Sunday, January 8, 2012

Weekend!! (days 7 and 8)

As you all know...weekends go by way too quickly!  I decided instead of logging what all I ate throughout the weekends I'll just tell how my weekend went.  I am still completely meat-less and completely soda-less.  My tummy is going fine!

A life without sodas is kind of hard when you are sleep deprived and driving at all hours of the night-which is what I did on Saturday.  It was totally worth it though!  Meredith and I met up with one of our best buds, Sarah in Chattanooga Saturday afternoon.  We ate at Carrabba's after a really long wait, which was totally fine because we had plenty of time to talk and catch up.  Then we drove around and had a milkshake.  It was so nice to see her!  I always have so much fun with Sarah and Meredith.  When we get together I am in a good mood for weeks after! Meredith and I did have an interesting drive home though.  We had both stayed up pretty late on Friday night and then didn't end up leaving Chattanooga until 1:00 AM.  If I could have taped our drive home I think I could have made some cash from that funniest home videos show.  We were yelling and making noises and singing really loudly (and badly on my part).  It was crazy.  We didn't get home until close to 4:00AM.

I slept in really late today to try and make up for all the sad sleep I've had this weekend.  Donna, another school bud, came to our house to visit today.  She is still here.  She is staying the night with us.  We have had lots of fun watching movies, snacking on random stuff, and we played Monopoly.  I won!! I bought the new Monopoly credit card edition for Christmas.  I have played this game with various people about 7 times since Christmas...and tonight was the first time I ever won.  Word of advice: if you want to win Monopoly get Boardwalk and Parkplace and use all your money to put as many houses/hotels on it.  That is how I did it!  I ended up with over 35 million dollars! I wish that was real life...that would be awesome!

Ok, well...bedtime, buddies!  Hopefully I will be up pretty early tomorrow-Donna has to be out of here by 5:30.  We shall see!

This is the gang (not this weekend).  Left to Right: Sarah, Donna, Me, and Meredith

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