Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day Four:

No rumblies in my tummbly for four whole days! I am being cautiously optimistic about this meat-less experiment actually working.  I did have a pretty big hankering for a big juicy burger today...I think that may be my downfall.  I crave burgers way too often.  I conquered said hankering and I feel pretty good about it.  Also, the energy that I mentioned yesterday is still holding out, which is a big bonus! 

I woke up a little early this morning, so I whipped up some chocolate chip waffles for me and the roomie!

Waffles topped with a big smear of peanut butter and a sliced banana started me off pretty well!

For lunch, I actually ate in my office's break room, which is always fun... One of the big dog bosses in my office has been vegan for a little over a year now.  She is an incredibly sweet lady...but...she is all about some food.  She kind of monitors co-worker's food choices and feels the need to comment continually.  I have been told that my lunch is supremely boring multiple times by this individual. Long story short, she actually approved of my lunch today-probably only because my lunch looked a lot like her lunch though. I had a salad, a couple big chunks of pineapple, and a hunk of cheese.

Meredith made me mushroom soup for dinner!

I am not sure what the fancy name for this soup is...but it is delicious!  I think it is my favorite soup.  Ever! It is cheesy and mushroomy and cilantroy and yummy!

Words of wisdom from the a fore mentioned lunch buddy: "Start every meal with a salad, end every meal with fruit, and eat lots of beans and greens in between. 

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