Monday, January 2, 2012

Day Two:

Day two of my vegetarian experiment went well.  I slept in so, no breakfast (I know it is so bad not to eat breakfast, but most of the time I only eat breakfast when I force myself to.  I'm gonna work on that.) 

I was supposed to be carting my little brother back to my parents around lunch time.  He spent his last week of Christmas vacation at my Grandparent's house up the street from me.  On New Year's Eve my Grandparents always have a huge party.  My mom and dad never stay til midnight anymore because they live a good hour and a half away.  So, this year, when my parents were ready to leave...Joseph was not.  He begged all of us (his siblings) to go to mom and dad's house later that night so that he could catch a ride.  None of us were planning on going to the Bumpus.  But! I made a deal with the kid.

Today I met my parents in the middle to bring him back so he could go back to school tomorrow.  This created my first trying to be vegetarian while eating out experience.  It was not bad at all.  I guess I never really realized how many things on the menu cater to a meatless diet.  We ate at a Chinese buffet-and it was delicious!

For dinner I had a good old fashioned salad.  Here are some pictures.  The first one is mine...and the second one is Meredith's just to gauge what I probably would have eaten.

My yummy salad       

What I would have eaten before      

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