Monday, January 9, 2012

Day Nine:

Well...I did not quite make it out of my snuggly bed in time to see my good buddy, Donna, off this morning.  I did wake up a little early--early enough to make scrambled eggs, biscuits, and saute up some mushrooms.
This isn't the best pic, but it was pretty yummy!
For lunch, Meredith and I went back to Quizno's-her idea, not mine.

I am trying not to be aggressive at all about where we eat because, surprisingly enough, I have found that there is a meat-less option everywhere! I was surprised about that.  I thought that I was going to have trouble finding things I wanted to eat.  While watching tv tonight a subway commercial came on.  I found myself not even looking at the meat on the sandwiches, which was weird to me...I was totally eye-balling the tomatoes and lettuce.

After lunch I grabbed a Salted Carmel Hot Chocolate from Starbucks.  I hadn't had one in a long time...and, if you've ever had one, you will certainly concur that they are the most heavenly drinks on the planet.  It was, as I expected, totally delicious.  So, I sucked it down pretty quick!  About an hour later my tummy revolted--Willie reared his ugly whale head and I was miserable.  Not sure if it was the ridiculous amount of dairy, or just that Salted Carmel Hot Chocolates are incredibly heavy drinks, but it was not a good afternoon.

Dinner was a super delicious Lemon Spinach Mushroom Orzo soup.  Meredith took a recipe from ( and tweaked it.

This was some super delicious soup!  I am so thankful to have such a great best friend who is not only trying to help me figure my issues out, but is also actively seeking out recipes to cater to my experiment!

I am still, overall, feeling really good! Let's hope it holds out.

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