Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day Ten: The Day of the Falafel

Today was an awesome day-even though I woke up kinda late, and ended up being 7 minutes late for work.  Everything just seemed to work out for me today.  My boss was in court-so no grief for being late-and I think I had the best food of the whole year today!

Breakfast wasn't anything special because I woke up late.  I think I jinxed myself the other day talking about how I almost never wake up late!  So, breakfast was a cold, left over biscuit from yesterday morning and a big cup of coffee.  I did manage to eat some yogurt and a cutie (clementine) at 10 o'clock (break time!!).  Meredith is very good at peeling cuties and last night she tried to teach me how to go about it.  I impressed even myself at break time by getting the peel off all in one piece.  See...
I know I'm weird, but it is oddly satisfying!

The magnificence of lunch made up for my piddly breakfast ten times over!  Today, I discovered FALAFELS!
This was my lunch.  I know it doesn't look like much, but it blew my freakin' mind!  I ordered a veggie falafel with rice at our regular greek place in downtown-Kebabs.  I figured I'd just get some salad inside of a pita pocket.  All was going to plan-the guy was tossing lettuce, tomatoes and tabouleh in the pita-then he took my sandwich in the back.  I just thought they were out of something in the front (this happens at Kebabs a lot).  Then I bit into my falafel.  Amazing! Basically, I got a salad in a pita pocket with little fried chickpea corn cakes mixed in.  I thought falafel was just another word for sandwich.  Turns out falafel means these little fried chickpea cakes.  Trust me they are delicious!

Dinner was awesome too!  Meredith made jalapeno cheddar poppers from scratch (she's awesome like that) and a cilantro lime chickpea salad.  She sliced up some mushrooms and finished out the plate with a few really yummy tomatoes.

The cilantro lime chickpea salad is the best thing I have ever eaten.  Hands down.  It was fresh and just so good!  The poppers were a little spicy for me-I'm a pansy about hot foods-but they had a really good flavor.

Today was a good day for food.  Also, I think I am in love with chickpeas.

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