Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day Twelve:

Breakfast this morning was a sad bowl of honey nut Cheerios on the run.  I didn't realize how dependent I have become on a nice breakfast.  I was absolutely starving by 9 o'clock this morning!  My stomach was growling...and I have the world's most noisy stomach. When my tummy growls it sounds like an airplane is about to crash into the room!  Luckily, I have an office, so no one could hear it. 8)

By lunchtime I thought I was about to pass out!  It was so cold today we ate lunch at Pan Asian, a Chinese place connected to my building.  I have never been a huge fan of this place, but Meredith likes it pretty well.  I ordered a side of vegetable lo mien and a bowl of egg flower soup (which I had never tried before).
The Lo mien, albeit rather greasy, was tasty.  I would not recommend the egg flower soup.  It didn't have much of a taste...

Dinner was awesome tonight!  Not so much the food, but the company.  Meredith and I met up with a friend at Fido in Nashville. We talked and had a good time.  I truly enjoyed myslef!
I had a veggie burger with a small salad.  It was a black bean burger and had chipotle peppers mixed in. By about halfway through it my mouth was on fire!  I am a bit of a pansy about spicy foods though.  I was not impressed.

Not the greatest day for awesome was nice to catch up with an old friend though!  Oh, and today was Tennessee's first snow of the year!

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