Sunday, January 22, 2012

Weekend! (Days 21 and 22)

This weekend has been a bit of a bust.  I have had what I suppose to be a bit of a stomach bug.  The whole weekend, starting Friday, I have been a constant visitor to our bathroom-night and day.  This virus means that I haven't been eating much of anything...just some snacky things (popcorn, some fruit, grilled cheese, etc). Late Friday night I just knew that my trouble was that I had eaten quite a bit of fried food that day (which I am, from this point on, going to try to avoid more) but now I am not so sure.  I even missed my sister's wedding shower today over this crap.  I hate viruses!  I just feel weak and yucky.

Luckily though, on Friday Meredith and I hit up a book store after work I bought these two books:

 I bought this one from talking to a friend who used it to help her.  So far it has been very infromative!
  This book is a written by two, seemingly, catty women.  They do seem to know their stuff though.  I haven't read a terrible lot in either one, but I am pretty excited to dig into them.

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