Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day Twenty Six:

Today started out with what Meredith calls a frittata.
It was like an egg pie with mushrooms, spinach, and (of course) some cheese!

I had left over kryptonite for lunch.  I have been eating lunch in my office's break room this week and people are giving weird looks when I take pictures of my food. So, I didn't today.  *see last night's dinner for picture*

Dinner was on the fly tonight because Meredith and I went to our favorite hair guy, Jason, to get our heer did!  He is amazing.  Jason Henderson at the Buzz hair salon in Hendersonville, TN (615) 824-4338.  Call him!  Get him to do your hair.  You will never go back to anyone else. Period.  Anyway, I had a cheese quesadilla from taco bell and a "beans and cheesus" as the cashier so aptly called my pintos and cheese. :D

Just so you know, changes are a-foot.  Hopefully I will have time to go into more detail with tomorrow's post-and maybe I'll have everything laid out better in my head by then!

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