Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day One of My End of Days Resolution:

 Another Year has come in gone...and, as you all know, the world is going to most definitely end on December 21st of this beautiful new year.  (Sorry to start the year off so morbidly!)  So...this year's resolutions need to be good ones!**  My one and only resolution this year is to get my tummy healthy before we all perish in the apocalypse!

I stopped smoking a couple of months ago-pneumonia will do that for ya.  I also have put away my shoe string necklace in the past few months ( a choker that I have been wearing since late middle school...kind of like a security blanket).  Now it is time to get my tummy happy!

For the past couple of months I have been having...well, let's call it tummy trouble.  I will not post a gory description of all my woes here for the world to see, but within the past two years I have slowly but surely found that my whole family has wonky stomach issues.  My mom was diagnosed with Colitis this past year which, according to WebMD means you're dying...just says that colitis is "swelling (inflammation) of the large intestine (colon)".  When my mom was diagnosed with this all her doctor told her after throwing tons steroids at her was to eat yogurt. My tummy started freaking out more than normal this past year...and all signs point to me having colitis too.  I have not been checked out because, as I said, my mom didn't get much help and neither did my grandmother (who also has Colitis) from their respective doctors.

In my mom's dealings with colitis...and the lack of help from her doctor...she decided to try and cut out certain foods to see if she could narrow down what is causing the worst of her issues.  I too am going to try this strategy.  In the past couple of months I have been trying to pay pretty close attention to what my tummy does after eating specific foods.  I think that I have my issues narrowed down to either meat (including seafood and chicken), grains (like rice, ect.), or dairy (milk, cheese...all the good stuff).  I am thinking one or all of these are creating my troubles.  So, I am going to try not to eat them this year.

Starting today I am cutting out all meats.  Now, let me be clear, I have never been interested at all in being a vegetarian or a vegan, and this has nothing at all to do with me thinking it is bad or wrong to eat animals.  I have been a meat-eater my entire life and I have truly enjoyed it, but my tummy is causing me grief and it needs to stop!  When I feel comfortable with not eating meat I will also cut dairy or grains out of my diet.  Next step will be whichever one is left.

Hopefully I can stick with this and figure out what is going on with me.  I guess we shall see.  So far today, my awesome roommate, Meredith, has cooked two vegetarian meals for me (she is not trying this herself).  I know that I do need to get healthy and lose some weight (my go to resolutions), but this experiment is not about either of those things-although I won't be disappointed if those were to happen too!!

DAY ONE MENU: Breakfast-Chocolate Chip waffles with Strawberries and Whipped Cream
Keep in mind I am concentrating solely on eliminating meat for now.

                              Lunch: Mushrooms in Champagne Cream Sauce with Pasta
Basically, this yummy sauce with mushrooms instead of Chicken!

**Disclaimer** I do not actually believe that the world will end on this is just the word on the street.

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