Friday, January 27, 2012

Day Twenty Seven:

Friday mornings at the Harris/Long house are a little hectic.  I don't know if other people have this issue, but by the end of the week I am drained of just about everything.  It is hard for me to just drag myself out of bed.  This morning was no different.  We woke up late, couldn't get started at a decent pace, and ended up running out the door in a full out tizzy with no breakfast to be seen.  If you have ever been on a breakfast kick (eating breakfast consistently for a while) and then something happens and you don't get it one day you know that it is terrible! This morning was a bit sad because of the no food thing...but! look what I had for lunch!
These nachos were good, but not what the menu said they were going to be.  Hate when that happens.

Dinner was a thrown together salad.

Ok, so on to the changes I was talking about last night. Dun, DUn, DUN!! They really aren't that big.  First of all, it is a bit taxing to formulate a blog post five nights a week.  I know they are not awesome pieces of literature, but it still takes quite a bit of time.  So, to (hopefully) make my blog a little less blah, blah, blah, here's a picture, this is what I ate today, the end, I am going to try and write more like once a week from here on out.  I will take some pictures of my favorites or new things and post them.  Second change-fish!  My tummy has been doing pretty ok, but not 100%.  So, in order to further pin point my specific problem foods I am going to introduce fish for the month of Feburary just to see how it goes.  Beef, pork, chicken, all other meat is still out (at this point it really just a personal preference for me). Also, I am going to drastically cut back my milk and cheese intake.  I was raised in a milk and bread kind of household.  Milk, big tall glasses of milk, and at least one piece of bread with every meal you ate at home.  Instead of trying to cut out all dairy all at once, I am going to try to just focus on milk and cheese.  So, we shall see how all of this goes.  I'll keep you "posted." (Hahaha...I'm a nerd, I know!)

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