Friday, January 6, 2012

Day Six:

Late start to this morning...Meredith woke me up in a tizzy at 6:10 (a time which, on any other day, both she and I would have already taken showers and would be well on our way to looking presentable).  Every once in a while this happens in our house.  I am not sure if it is normal or not, but Meredith and I oversleep from time to time.  We hadn't overslept in a while, so we were probably due for one. 

No elaborate breakfast of waffles or eggs today.  I was lucky to make it out the door with matching shoes on. Breakfast was a half of a cold left over bean burrito, a clementine, and a banana.

I ate a salad from Quiznos for lunch.

This is a stock photo, as I forgot to snap a photo before I started into it.  The one I had was minus the chicken...and I added Chickpeas and olives to mine.  It was delicious!!

After eating this salad for lunch, I decided that Buddy Valastro (the Cake Boss) is a smart, smart man.  In pretty much every episode ole Buddy stands back from the cake he is making and says something to the effect of, "I'm lookin' at this cake. And the more I'm addin' to it the better it's lookin'."  Basically, this theory also works on salads.  Salads taste better if they have tons of things in them!

After this Cake Boss induced epiphany, this is the salad that I whipped up for dinner...

It has everything I could possibly think of in it-beans, eggs, grapes, walnuts, sunflower seeds, cilantro, spinach, cheese, cherries, salad mix, mushrooms...etc.  It was SO good.  

This evening Meredith and I went shopping.  On the way home she was talking about what we should eat for dinner.  She decided that she was going to eat chicken dip and some nachos.  Every time she talks about meat of any kind she apologies.  Weirdly enough, I am totally ok with it.  I still don't miss meat at all. Meredith keeps saying how sad she would be at the thought of no meat...I'm just not.  I think I am just so ready to figure this out and fix it that I don't really care what it takes!

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