Sunday, October 23, 2011

Ms. Bee

Ok, computer has been on sabbatical for the past couple of months.  Basically, my wireless card completely went out on me.  I suspected this was the issue right from the start, but I have been putting off talking to anyone about it for forever.  I finally stopped by my local Best Buy this afternoon. I was thinking about getting a whole new computer, but a guy told me about this "wireless adapter" thing that could help me out.  Long story short, I bought it, slapped in the CD, plugged in the USB thing, and BAM! I got the internets!
To make up for being gone so long...I decided to post a story I wrote a little while ago.  

Ms. Bee
Fifteen and a run-away, I found myself at the Circus with only the clothes on my back (my trusty scarf, a blouse, a pair of trousers, and the best shoes I owned).  I had been begging all day for some change for food.  I guess I look older than I am because a few folks even threw me some silver—enough for food and fun.  If I was smart I would save some of that money for tomorrow, but I ate good today.  I can go without tomorrow.  The music is what drew me in, loud and happy.  I want to be happy.  I stood at the gate debating whether or not to enter for a while, but the music penetrated my soul and beckoned me in.  So, I bought a ticket.
I walk through the gate and the music seems to grow.  It lives in me.  I can feel the swells and declines.  Everywhere I look people are laughing and drunk.  Normal, up-standing people are here with the scum—the people no one want—and they are having a hell of a time.  I walk through the narrow rows of venders and game booths smelling some of the most divinely greasy food on earth.  “Peanuts, Popcorn, and try our new Sweet Batter-dipped wieners.”  I felt in my pocket, only a few pennies left—not enough.  I stood out back of the food booth sniffing the air.  Crunch.  I turned to see where the noise had come from.  A little girl had evidently tried the “New sweet batter-dipped wiener” and hadn’t liked it.  She had only taken one bite.  One bite!  No! You are in a bad situation, but you will never eat trash!   I wish I could say this pep talk worked, but that would be a lie.    I took it and it was the best meal I ever ate.  It was still warm, and when I bit into it crunched.  It was a heavenly treat of meat wrapped in warm, gooey sweet batter.  Circus goers are wasteful.  So, I discovered batter-dipped wieners are wonderful!  Throughout the night I picked up a few more here and there—they are better warm, but not horrible cold. I could stay here forever. 
The music played louder and louder until I felt like it was my sole reason in life to find its source.  I followed the swinging notes through the center aisle of booths, and finally, into a side tent.  The first woman I saw was 3 feet tall.  She looked like a little doll, but she swore she was fully grown.  I believed her too, she had a mouth like a sailor.  I didn’t know any baby who could speak like she did—had to be grown.  The more I looked at her the more I realized she was slightly disfigured.  Her back hunched ever so slightly, her shoulders seemed to be shoved up too far, and her head was too big for her dainty doll body.   There were also two doll men, decked out in suits and everything.  They were little adult dolls.  I had never seen anything like it.  I wanted to play with them, but they frightened me so I forced my feet to move.
             Next I saw a man with flesh bubbles all over his body.  It looked like his momma had stuck him in a boiling pot of water and his skin was all bubbly from the air that had got in.  His fingers weren’t fingers; they were bubbles.  His toes were flesh bubbles too.  I shuddered when I saw him at the thought of a baby in a boiling pot, hoped he didn’t see me, and walked on as quickly as I could.  I was walking pretty fast now, and I accidentally walked right into two very normal, up-standing looking men.  Ouch! I fell on my rump—skewing my scarf.  “Oh, I am so sorry,” I said, smoothing my clothes and trying to get up.  “Never you mind that,” said one of the men, holding his hand out to help me up.  I took it and tugged my way to my feet.  After really looking at the two men I noticed that they were really only one man—one man with four legs, four arms, and two heads.  I screamed, and ran.  The men were joined together by a small flap of skin just above their belly buttons.  The men—or this man, however you want to look at it—were the strangest thing I had seen yet, and I didn’t like it.  This place is scarier than I thought.  I ran for the exit, not seeing the other “attractions” in the side tent. 
As I stumbled out of the tent, I realized that I heard the music again.  I hadn’t missed it inside the tent, but now that I heard it again I couldn’t imagine ever being without it.  It had to be coming from the big top: the biggest tent, right in the heart of the Circus.  I ducked inside but couldn’t see.  It was dark, but I had found the source of the music.  The melody blared continuously through the speakers.  When my eyes finally adjusted to the darkness I found a seat at the top of the risers on the left.  I sat still for a long time, listening to the music and trying to catch my breath.  I was amazed: there were people worse off here than me.  This place is full of misfits.  When I finally caught my breath I pulled myself out of my own thoughts and realized there was a show going on.  Clowns came out with faces painted twelve different colors and juggled bottles, knives, and fire.  Some were happy, some sad, but all silly.  I forgot how frightened I had been and sunk into the deep trance only a Circus can bring.  Before I knew it trapeze artists called “The Flying Pavlatas” swung through their silly show.  Why do trapeze artists think they need to have corny bits with dogs and baby dolls?  No one really thinks they are throwing a baby through the air. Trapeze work is beautiful and amazing without needing any help.  The rest of the show was a blur of bright colored lights, pies, and funny smells.  I was hooked. 
After the show I snuck around back to catch the performers out of “show mode.”  There were so many stage hands no one noticed one more body slinking around.  When the last patron walked out of the gate the music went down.  The silence was almost as thick as the music had been.
I sat up all night with the clowns.  We drank, smoked, and even played a little poker.  Those clowns are good people.  There were 17 of them in all, ranging in height from slightly taller than the doll women to nearly giants.  Only a handful wanted anything to do with me—most were too busy taking off make-up or re-stuffing scarves into coat sleeves.  I even saw one packing rubber chickens into the back pocket of a pair of very large pants.  When I first tasted what they were all drinking, it burned all the way down.  It was like drinking something rotten.  Yuck! The Clowns all laughed at the face I made after my first swig.  I hated it, but it grew on me—made me feel warm and woozy, like the world was fuzzy. 
After drinking quite a bit of whatever it was, I began to open up.  It was warm, and my scarf was getting itchier by the second. I wish I didn’t have to wear the thing.  I was sweating and I just wanted to take it off.  “I always have to wear a scarf.  My mom set that rule a long time ago—right after she caught me,” I said to Happy, a clown who’s name didn’t match his make-up.  “Caught you?” a few of the clowns asked.  
“Well, I guess it all started when I was about five.  See, I loved watching my dad shave.  He had it down to an exact science.”  I smiled as I remembered my dad.  I wasn’t sure if I would ever see him again.  My mom hated me.  That I knew, but I still had hope that my dad loved me.   

“I would always hear him whipping up the lather.  That was my cue,” I continued.  “He whipped and whipped until it was exactly right, foamy white stuff coming up over the edges of his brown mug.   When the entire bottom half of his face was white he would begin to shave, rinsing the blade under the faucet with every stroke.”
I loved watching my dad shave, but what no one knew was that I would shave too.  Right after he left the sink I would climb up on the counter, sit on the edge, and swing my legs over into the basin.  I always took his leftover cream and rubbed it on my face just like he had.   ‘The trick to shaving,’ my dad always said, ‘is having a clean razor with every stroke.’”  Bill, another clown, interrupted me here and said, “That’s so sweet.  I never even met my pop.”  “When I was really young,” I continued, “I would use the back side of a comb, rinsing the caked up foam off under the faucet every time, but when I got older I would use the real deal: my dad’s blade.”  The clowns and I played two hands of Texas hold ‘em after this revelation.  I didn’t think anyone had even been listening until Pinky, a small Purple and Green Clown asked, “So what’d ya git caught doin’?”
 “Well, one day my mother caught me shaving,” I told the clowns.  “She had me whipped, and I was never allowed to shave again.  Eventually the hair began to grow back, thick black hairs everywhere.  My mother decided that the best way to fix it would be to cover the family’s shame with a scarf.  ‘I had to live with the consequences of my young decisions,’ she said.”  Happy and his clown brothers still looked confused.  Should I take it off?  They are drunk.  They will never remember who I am, let alone this tale I just told.  In the end, I was much too warm from the liquor and my scarf was just too itchy to bear, so I removed  it.  “Whoa!” Was the clown’s collective response.  Great, a few more people to make fun of me. 
Happy stood up and grabbed my hand.  I am even too weird for a Circus. They are throwing me out.  He took me, to my surprise, to the ringmaster’s trailer.  Joe said he had never seen a woman with a beard before.  “You have a home with us here, if you want it,” Joe said after examining me and having a few good hard tugs.  I have been “The Bearded Ms. Bee” (short for Beatrix) ever since.  It took a while to adjust to the life of the circus, but they give me all the sweet batter-dipped wieners I can stand and I am always close to the music.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Kid:

My baby brother came to stay with me last week.  I love this kid!

Joseph is a big ole 12 year old.  I say big...because he is to me.  We are now the same height and we stopped being able to share shoes about 4 years ago. Kids are funny.  One minute you love them, the next you are ready to pull your hair out!  Joseph is a super sweet kid, but he is a 12 year old boy.  I am not sure if it is just him or if all 12 year old boys, but this kid thinks he knows EVERYTHING!

For instance...last Tuesday our internet service started acting screwy.  From Tuesday to Friday I was on the phone with AT&T's "tech support" for over 6 hours.  Needless to say, I was a little peeved. Tuesday night, at around 9 o'clock-when I was finally wrapping up my first phone call with tech support-Joseph came up to me and said, "Let me talk to them.  I will get them to fix it." Even though I was shaking my head and trying to get him to hush so that I could hear what the tech was saying, he kept trying to get me to allow him to speak with the chick.  I finally just told the lady that I was done talking for that night.  When I hung up with the lady Joseph was right behind me.  He immediately said, "Cindy, you need to tell these people that you don't want their crappy internet.  Call Media Com. That what we have and we always have internet.  They are really good."

I gave AT&T another couple of days instead of canceling the service after a few hours of frustrating troubleshooting. (I wasn't ready to cancel until Friday...) Luckily, Meredith came to the rescue and finally they sent a guy out to our house.  Interesting side note-the problem was evidently wiring...wiring that had been giving us perfect DSL for over 2 years... I am still unsure how the wiring all of a sudden became a problem, but it is fixed now!

I am always amazed at how easy Joseph is to keep entertained/busy.  He is fine with just playing Super Smash Brothers Brawl or just laying in the floor watching our cats, which, per our landlord (father), are illegal.  As evidenced by the picture of Joseph and Nion up there , ^ he became fast friends with Nion and Gus!  On Saturday I had grand plans to show the kid a good time.  We instead had to stay home and wait on the AT&T guy.  Even though I only had time to take him out to a Chinese buffet (where he only ate a mounded plate of meat) and run a few errands he had a great time.  He said he did anyway.

I think my favorite part of Joseph's visits has to be when he randomly says things like,  "You are so cool" just because I have a kind of juice he likes, or "your house is perfect" just because he likes my couch.  I just love him and he makes me super happy!!

**Just for reference-this is a picture of the kid when he was about four.** 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Easy like Sunday morning:

It was a huge decision to hold off on grad school-possibly for good-but I feel good about it. All the papers are written, projects are all turned in, final grades are posted...the semester is officially done! Farewell, Shakespeare. See ya later, Chaucer. Adieu, courtly love! Even though this was a tough/scary decision to feels like (corny cliche alert) a weight has been lifted. It is corny, but oh so true! I feel good.

Not quite as good as this guy, but close.  I may regret it later-like when next semester starts and I know that I could be taking 21st Century Lit instead of whatever lame thing I end up doing...hopefully it will not come down to that though.

On a slightly weirder note, this past week was supposed to have been the rapture.  I am still here.  I still have not heard of one person being called up, so either it didn't happen, or there are a lot less righteous people than we all originally thought... My dad is still here on earth, so we must be ok for now.  I will quickly catch you up if you don't know my dad.  He is a very conservative Church of Christ preacher who spends every waking moment either talking about or studying about Jesus/God.  Even if you do not believe anything at all you have to give my dad props for knowing so much about his chosen field.  I can remember watching shows with my dad when I was a kid of people predicting the end of the world.  He would always get really flustered and shout, "Well, we will be ok on that day!!  If someone suspects that Jesus is coming we are safe!!" I am not entirely sure that the whole "He will come like a thief in the night" passage works quite like that, but...whatever floats your boat!

Sorry, I got a little side tracked...that last paragraph was supposed to be chronicling my homeless palm-reading experience (which would make daddy so proud!).  Friday morning I went out to fifth for a break.  My buddy, Krissy was already out there...and talking to a rough-looking guy.  We exchanged pleasantries and I went about my business-Krissy was talking to the guy. Blah, blah, blah.  Eventually, the guy said that he would read our palms if we didn't have any problem with it.  I thought it would be I gave him my right hand.

So, this gypsy guy-who, let me say, smells like a walrus-takes my hand and begins to "read my palm." He told me that I would live to at least 75, that I am smart, intuitive, open minded, that I have a tight family, a good lover, a good listener, etc, etc, then he gave me his email he could get to know me :/ This was, as I have said, an interesting experience, but I do not put any stock in it.  Any smelly guy on the street can tell a girl what she wants to hear.  Needless to say, I will not be contacting this guy.

So...I feel good even though the world was supposed to end this week because Imma live until I am 75!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Week of Books!

This past week at work I listened to 4 books...a book a day until Thursday-when I started a longer one.
So, the list goes a little something like this: 
  • Monday-Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis.
  • Tuesday-The Giver by Lois Lowry.
  • Wednesday-Fight Club, by Chuck Palahniuk.
  • Thursday/Friday-The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan.
The Nashville Public Library has a new (well, new to me at least) contraption called a Playaway. 
This little ingenious box of wonderment has kept me sane at work this past week, while keeping my itunes account/bank account looking more how I would like for it to look! :D  Since I am not, nor have I ever been, the world's greatest student, this past semester I have bought quite a few of Shakespeare's plays (audio book style) via itunes.  This gets really pricey!!  With these little Playaway boxes though, you don't have to download anything!  The book is pre-loaded onto this little box. All you have to supply is a set of headphones and you are good to go!!  So, this week-with the help of our neighborhood library-I have devoured 4 books!

  • Bud, Not Buddy is a great book about a little boy, "Bud, Not Buddy," who has been an orphan for most of his life.  Readers see this funny little boy grow into a young man while being brought along for a ride as he struggles to find the remnant of his family.
  • The Giver is about a boy, Jonas, who lives in the "perfect" society.  The elders decide what job you will have and who you will marry.  Everyone in this society (except Jonas and the Giver, who is passing memories of how the world used to be) is perfectly content with this society-even though no one in this society is allowed to make their own decisions and no one sees color.  This book was really good too.  I love books like this! :D

  •  Fight Club is one of my favorite movies!! So, I thought I would give the book a go-since the book is usually so much better than the move.  I feel like the movie stayed pretty close to the book.  There are, of course, a few major differences, but the book was really good!  Love the book, love the movie!! Thanks, Chuck!

  • The Forest of Hands and Teeth is a crazy book about Zombies.  It reminded me of M. Night Shyamalan's movie, The Village.  Just like in The Village there is a village in the middle of the forest, a forest which has something in it (this time Zombies) which the villagers are terrified of.  Mary, a girl who was born and raised in the village struggles with the idea that there is something else out there...something past the forest of hands and teeth.
I love books!  Thank you Nashville Public Library for making my book addiction easier and less expensive!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


BAH!! on writing papers...I love creative writing, but I have never been the best "academic" writer.  This is further confirmation-in my brain-sometimes that I shouldn't have ever even pretended to want to be an English teacher.  "but at the high school level it won't be so bad"...that is what I kept telling myself, but now I may never know.  For now I just need to concentrate on getting my current class wrapped up and hopefully pulling out a decent grade : / 

So, for this last class--a class on Love in the works of Shakespeare and Chaucer--I cannot seem to get into writing my final paper of the semester.  I don't know if it is because I know that this will be the last class I am going to take for a good while, or that I have not been the best student this semester, but I am having trouble coming up with something that I really want to write about.  This has always been a struggle for me...usually I just pick something at the last possible second and make the best of it. 

For now I am thinking about writing on lovesickness in the Middle Ages and, more specifically, lovesickness as portrayed (differently) in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde and in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida.  I suppose that is what I must stick to...because the due date of this paper is steadily approaching.  We shall see what comes of it.

On a happier note, today Calliope, the calico kitten of my previous post found a great new home!  Also, Meredith and I put together a new desk! Wa-hoo!!  Our kitchen is looking less like a kitchen that old people decorated and more and more like a fun new kitchen...which is really exciting! 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I just wrote out a blog post...and have lost every bit of it :(

So..."Let me 'splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up."

     We have kittens. Only, 
Difficult people want them
    Driving me crazy...

These are the culprits.  Anyone know anybody who for sure wants a cute little kitten?


Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Different Direction:

I have recently decided to put Grad school on hold...I hope this is not a bad decision!  I am finishing out this semester in the Graduate English program at Belmont University and then I am done for a while.  I originally got into the program in hopes of teaching English at the high school level, but I have recently learned that even if I finish out this degree I will need more schooling to even be able to teach in a public high school, so...BOO! on Belmont (and me for believing that I was on the right track...I should really look into things for myself!)

So, this decision came about after I got a promotion at work-about a month ago.  I work at a Bankruptcy office through the day to support my English studies habit.  I had been the lowest man on the totem pole for about 2 years...then a woman put in her resignation and turned the whole office upside down.  (On a side note, I think it is hilarious that some people in the work place get so hateful about job openings.  More on this later!) I interviewed for the opening-along with 3 of my co-workers, but I did not get that position.  The woman who got the job found out from a co-worker (another woman who interviewed) instead of the Senior (that is what we call the bosses) who chose her for the position.

Said Senior sent out an email late on a Friday afternoon to all of the interviewees who did not receive the job.  I usually stay late, so I actually got the email on Friday.  But, everyone else who interviewed got the email of rejection bright and early on Monday morning...great way to start the week!!  Anyway, the aforementioned news ruiner actually went around and asked everyone if they had received an email about the job...I know, I was stunned too!  So, by process of elimination, we all knew who had got the job before the hiring Senior even got to work.  That was a crazy day...

Ok, so I didn't get that job, but I did end up getting the job of the woman who got the first job...very round about, I know-hope that makes sense! I am now a "Claims Analyst"-fan-say!  Two people, the very same two people who interviewed for both positions along side of me, were passed over for the promotion...which I kinda felt bad about, but they were not very nice to me about getting the job, so I didn't feel too bad.

What does all of this have to do with putting an English degree on hold? I don't really know.  I feel like I just make decisions and then go with them.  School does not really excite me anymore-it is more like a chore than anything close to fun. Also, my job right now is a really good paying job with REALLY good benefits!  Another reason for the school hold Sunday school and playing "school" with Jenny, my older sister as a kid I have never taught anything in my whole life-and really playing "school" shouldn't even count toward teaching anything because I was never the teacher...

This is my decision...and I have now put it out into the world, so it will have to stick.  I just hope it is a good one!