Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Different Direction:

I have recently decided to put Grad school on hold...I hope this is not a bad decision!  I am finishing out this semester in the Graduate English program at Belmont University and then I am done for a while.  I originally got into the program in hopes of teaching English at the high school level, but I have recently learned that even if I finish out this degree I will need more schooling to even be able to teach in a public high school, so...BOO! on Belmont (and me for believing that I was on the right track...I should really look into things for myself!)

So, this decision came about after I got a promotion at work-about a month ago.  I work at a Bankruptcy office through the day to support my English studies habit.  I had been the lowest man on the totem pole for about 2 years...then a woman put in her resignation and turned the whole office upside down.  (On a side note, I think it is hilarious that some people in the work place get so hateful about job openings.  More on this later!) I interviewed for the opening-along with 3 of my co-workers, but I did not get that position.  The woman who got the job found out from a co-worker (another woman who interviewed) instead of the Senior (that is what we call the bosses) who chose her for the position.

Said Senior sent out an email late on a Friday afternoon to all of the interviewees who did not receive the job.  I usually stay late, so I actually got the email on Friday.  But, everyone else who interviewed got the email of rejection bright and early on Monday morning...great way to start the week!!  Anyway, the aforementioned news ruiner actually went around and asked everyone if they had received an email about the job...I know, I was stunned too!  So, by process of elimination, we all knew who had got the job before the hiring Senior even got to work.  That was a crazy day...

Ok, so I didn't get that job, but I did end up getting the job of the woman who got the first job...very round about, I know-hope that makes sense! I am now a "Claims Analyst"-fan-say!  Two people, the very same two people who interviewed for both positions along side of me, were passed over for the promotion...which I kinda felt bad about, but they were not very nice to me about getting the job, so I didn't feel too bad.

What does all of this have to do with putting an English degree on hold? I don't really know.  I feel like I just make decisions and then go with them.  School does not really excite me anymore-it is more like a chore than anything close to fun. Also, my job right now is a really good paying job with REALLY good benefits!  Another reason for the school hold Sunday school and playing "school" with Jenny, my older sister as a kid I have never taught anything in my whole life-and really playing "school" shouldn't even count toward teaching anything because I was never the teacher...

This is my decision...and I have now put it out into the world, so it will have to stick.  I just hope it is a good one!

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