Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Week of Books!

This past week at work I listened to 4 books...a book a day until Thursday-when I started a longer one.
So, the list goes a little something like this: 
  • Monday-Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis.
  • Tuesday-The Giver by Lois Lowry.
  • Wednesday-Fight Club, by Chuck Palahniuk.
  • Thursday/Friday-The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan.
The Nashville Public Library has a new (well, new to me at least) contraption called a Playaway. 
This little ingenious box of wonderment has kept me sane at work this past week, while keeping my itunes account/bank account looking more how I would like for it to look! :D  Since I am not, nor have I ever been, the world's greatest student, this past semester I have bought quite a few of Shakespeare's plays (audio book style) via itunes.  This gets really pricey!!  With these little Playaway boxes though, you don't have to download anything!  The book is pre-loaded onto this little box. All you have to supply is a set of headphones and you are good to go!!  So, this week-with the help of our neighborhood library-I have devoured 4 books!

  • Bud, Not Buddy is a great book about a little boy, "Bud, Not Buddy," who has been an orphan for most of his life.  Readers see this funny little boy grow into a young man while being brought along for a ride as he struggles to find the remnant of his family.
  • The Giver is about a boy, Jonas, who lives in the "perfect" society.  The elders decide what job you will have and who you will marry.  Everyone in this society (except Jonas and the Giver, who is passing memories of how the world used to be) is perfectly content with this society-even though no one in this society is allowed to make their own decisions and no one sees color.  This book was really good too.  I love books like this! :D

  •  Fight Club is one of my favorite movies!! So, I thought I would give the book a go-since the book is usually so much better than the move.  I feel like the movie stayed pretty close to the book.  There are, of course, a few major differences, but the book was really good!  Love the book, love the movie!! Thanks, Chuck!

  • The Forest of Hands and Teeth is a crazy book about Zombies.  It reminded me of M. Night Shyamalan's movie, The Village.  Just like in The Village there is a village in the middle of the forest, a forest which has something in it (this time Zombies) which the villagers are terrified of.  Mary, a girl who was born and raised in the village struggles with the idea that there is something else out there...something past the forest of hands and teeth.
I love books!  Thank you Nashville Public Library for making my book addiction easier and less expensive!!


  1. Ooh--I wasn't aware the NPL supplied those contraptions. Listening typically means I miss something, as opposed to viewing, but many friends, including my husband, are able to read more this way.

    We read The Giver in eighth grade, and I've wanted to re-read it since. So good!

    Is the zombie book as "un"-horrifying/gory as a story set in the woods sounds? Hmm... I guess I'm asking if its elements are much different than stories where survivors of a zombie-apocalypse hunker down in an abandoned mall? It sounds interesting.

    How neat you "read" so much in a week!

  2. Nicol, The Forest of Hands and Teeth is pretty gruesome! I thought it was good, but I have no fears surrounding zombies. I have a friend though who freaked out just based on a description from me of a few chunks of the book-zombies are one of her worst fears I am not sure how much help I am in this field. I will tell you that the zombies are a constant in the village. They are contantly scraping themselves up against the protective fence, trying to get at the people on the other side...hope this I helps.
