Thursday, April 21, 2011


BAH!! on writing papers...I love creative writing, but I have never been the best "academic" writer.  This is further confirmation-in my brain-sometimes that I shouldn't have ever even pretended to want to be an English teacher.  "but at the high school level it won't be so bad"...that is what I kept telling myself, but now I may never know.  For now I just need to concentrate on getting my current class wrapped up and hopefully pulling out a decent grade : / 

So, for this last class--a class on Love in the works of Shakespeare and Chaucer--I cannot seem to get into writing my final paper of the semester.  I don't know if it is because I know that this will be the last class I am going to take for a good while, or that I have not been the best student this semester, but I am having trouble coming up with something that I really want to write about.  This has always been a struggle for me...usually I just pick something at the last possible second and make the best of it. 

For now I am thinking about writing on lovesickness in the Middle Ages and, more specifically, lovesickness as portrayed (differently) in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde and in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida.  I suppose that is what I must stick to...because the due date of this paper is steadily approaching.  We shall see what comes of it.

On a happier note, today Calliope, the calico kitten of my previous post found a great new home!  Also, Meredith and I put together a new desk! Wa-hoo!!  Our kitchen is looking less like a kitchen that old people decorated and more and more like a fun new kitchen...which is really exciting! 

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