Thursday, September 11, 2014

Random life update

Quite a lot has changed since 2012…

 I have unlocked the secret to all the crazy stomach issues I was having in 2012. Turns out I have food allergies! I had been trying to get myself figured out for a while--see all past blog posts dated 2012… I had been through multiple tests, scans, and scopes to nail down the issue. I was having terrible migraines, stomach issues, and acid trouble to name off a few of my previous problems. Honestly, I had all but given up on knowing the why behind my issues. I was so tired of spending a ton of money on tests only to be told that I was "healthy as a horse," or that "we can't find anything wrong." It was when I stopped sleeping that I picked the quest back up (about mid way through 2013). I just couldn't sleep. I couldn't go to sleep. When I did actually get to sleep I would start awake and not be able to go back to sleep for hours. I began sleepwalking…creepy! I was averaging about 3ish hours a night for about 4 months before I finally went in to a sleep doctor, thinking I had sleep apnea (a sleep disorder my dad has). I paid out yet another twelve hundred dollars for a sleep study. Guess what they told me? You guessed it! "There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You don't have sleep apnea. Your brain waves look good. You were very restless, but we don't think you have restless leg syndrome… etc." The doctor did say that beginning to sleep walk in adulthood does not happen…so he wanted me to do another sleep study, so that he could personally sit in and figure me out. 

Super frustrated, I finally decided to contact a holistic doctor. I filled out the thousand pages they wanted me to, and went to see the sweetest, most patient doctor I've ever met. Dr. Grace suggested that I try out an elimination diet. It was the week right after Thanksgiving, which would mean an incredibly sad holiday eating season, but I was so ready to feel better that I said I'd try it.  So, I took anything even a remotely tasty out of my diet for 8 weeks. We are talking everything…I couldn't even eat pepper.  Then I began to add everything back in slowly and was really diligent with keeping a list of what was going on with my body to document what might be the source of all my grief.  

Turns out (per my own elimination diet notes, and per blood work) I am allergic to wheat, soy, dairy, and eggs.


Good thing I ate a crap ton of ice cream as my last meal before starting the elimination diet… It is amazing what just changing my diet has fixed. I sleep. I don't have migraines (I do have headaches now and again, but I have only had one old school (knock me down) migraine since cutting allergies out of my diet…and that was after I decided I could have (literally) 2 bites of a friends full of allergens birthday cake). My stomach is completely normal. I do not have acid problems anymore (I was taking Prevacid every day, but it wasn't working). I feel 1000 times better, and I have lost a good 50 pounds to boot. 

I have to be a total food diva now. I have to research what goes into food. I have to ask a million annoying questions. I have to make servers ask the cooks random things. I have to order my food without anything ooey gooey on it. I can't eat cake. I can't eat ice cream. I can't even eat a freakin candy bar, but I really am fine! I am happy. It is worth it to me to make a fool of myself everywhere I eat. It is worth it to my body to just not eat cake. So, judge me if you will…but please, don't feel bad for me!

Enough of that! Some other things that are going on now:

I got my very own nephew in March :D He's the cutest, and I am his co-favorite aunt!

I just got my hair cut. I don't love it…

I have a sweet puppy (Luna). She's a Great Pyrenees. She's awesome, see?

I am trying to learn to run. I am so bad at it! I hope that one day it'll just happen if I keep trying! *fingers crossed!* 

I am participating in a non official novel writing month right now. I currently have about six thousand words written. Not terribly impressive for the eleventh, but better than nothing! Hopefully by the end of the month, I will have a semi completed collection of sideshow act related short stories. Sort of a book of origins (maybe). I have started stories on the strong man, the wolf boy, and a goat girl. We will see where it goes. I am trying to remind myself that finishing the whole collection isn't the important thing. Writing is.

I am studying for the LSAT. :/ That is a scary one to admit. I am putting it out there because a lot of people already know, and my boss (who I told in confidence) kind of let the cat out of the bag at work. So, I am just owning it now. We will just see what happens ;) **fingers double crossed**

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