Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Just a little bug


Howdy! So...the writing a novel this month may not work out as well as I had hoped. I have not written much (if any?) since my last post. I decided this week that getting into law school and--fingers crossed--getting some grant money too is more important right now. So I have been concentrating on studying this week. I hope to be doing LSAT problems in my sleep come December.
I recently got the first time home buyer bug After looking through this adorable little house.   >>>
 I've been on I've scoured through I have a problem! 
I am not going to tell you where it is because I hope it will stay on the market for long enough for me to have it as my very own. I actually did a walk through with a realtor, but when I got home and did some excel magic with all my debt, I started having heart palpitations. I am trying my very best to be responsible about this. Trust me though, I have a deep, deep need to drive to a bank right this second and beg them on my knees to approve me for a loan--any loan-- just so I can have this house. This is doubly irrational because this is the first house I have ever stepped foot in with the thought of possibly moving. I think the fact that it is a new and gorgeous house is the root of the problem. It has all hard wood floors and the cutest little courtyard attached, but the best part is the neighbors. I just love everything about it! 
So, here's the plan: do the debt snowball thing (see hard core. And (don't judge me!) I might even start entering in some of those, "like us on Facebook and we'll give you $5million" sweepstakes. I actually entered myself for a few gift card giveaways today on Hopefully by the first of the year--probably REALLY wishful thinking--I will feel like I am in a little better shape to maybe take on a bit more in the way of living expenses.  
Don't worry. The law school dream has not been forgotten. I will sign up to take the LSAT in December. I can't actually enroll until 2015 though due to deadline cutoffs.


Just in case you were wondering what the "after" looks like ;) The test is actually still a pencil and paper deal. I miss one out of every set, and its killing me. I'm getting my number 2 pencils ready!

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