Saturday, April 14, 2012

March 11th-April 15th

Regrettably, I must again start out with an apology. 8/ Turns out I am not quite as disciplined as I would like to think...remember the days in January when I blogged every day? I have no clue what happened to them. I am not that busy-not any more than I was in January. I guess I could make excuses all day, but I won't. I apologize for the absence. I'm here now, and I'm going to try to be better! Promise.

On the diet/weight loss front it has been a win/lose situation here recently. On a happy note, this morning's weigh in unveiled that I've lost over 40 lbs(!), but today is the first time in three days I've been able to really eat anything substantial-and even then it's been a little touch and go. The slow carb thing that I am doing throughout the week seems to be working wonderfully for my tummy all except for cheat day. I feel great until about Sunday afternoon. Saturday is cheat day-the day of bread, ice cream, and chocolate!! Those three make weekly appearances on cheat day for me. They are my weaknesses. Not too bad, right? A little chocolate, a biscuit or two, or maybe a sandwich, and a bit of ice cream. Yes, these are all fine things to eat...for normal people. I know that being allergic to gluten, or having a gluten sensitivity is all the rage right now, but I really do think gluten dislikes me with great intensity! I also (recently) have been wondering if I have a dairy weirdness too.

I was doing pretty well with the exception of Sunday and sometimes Monday. I was just about ready to decide that I was going to just start skipping cheat day all together and just always do the veggies and beans (and sometimes fish and chicken) route since it was working so well. Then Easter came and with it came a family potluck...dun, Dun, DUUUUNNN!! My mom made all these yummy foods and I even, upon the request of the men in my family, made a yellow layer cake with homemade chocolate icing. I went to their house Friday night to help my mom get her taxes together-which is always a beast because my dad is self-employed. We worked all through the night Friday then got up and finished them around 2 o'clock on Saturday. Since no one can handle getting food on their own in my family, after the taxes were done we went out to get some food. Pizza was chosen (not by me). Pizza always hates me :C I also had a little bit of cake on Sunday. I have had the worst week of my life this week! Lots of liquid...not much real food.  As a result of the Easter belly badness though, I made an appointment with my normal doctor for Monday night to talk to her about all of this. And hopefully she will send me on to a GI doctor who will at least be able to tell me what I'm up against! Hopefully! Keep your fingers crossed for me!

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