Saturday, March 10, 2012

February 15th-March10th

Ok, has been a while! My computer crapped out on me the week after my last post and then Meredith, my roommate (aka the person who owns the only other computer in our house) had mid-terms the next week.  She is doing a distance learning program through UTK, so she had to have her computer for mid-terms, of course.  Then, last week, I had all four wisdom teeth yanked out of my head.  I am still in a bit of pain...and I've had a bit of trouble this week.  Meredith has gone home this weekend for her mom's birthday and she left her computer.  So, I am finally felling a bit better (no hurting so bad) and I have been left home alone with a computer.  Here goes!

Up until getting my teeth out these are the kinds of things I was eating:
Basically sticking to the four hour body way of eating (beans!) while implementing fish in the month of February. These are the only pics I have, but they are pretty representative of what I was doing.

**Gross picture alert**
After getting these things yanked out (I totally asked to see them after the "operation" and they bagged 'em up and gave 'em to me!) this has been my diet-for a WEEK! :C
Don't get me wrong.  I love eating things like ice cream and pudding, but after a week of eating this and this alone-hardly anything solid-it gets really old!!

The good news is I had an awesome cat nurse:
My wonderful roommate made me a really cool basket of things to do while I was out:
I got a free shirt out of the deal!
And! Last, but not least...I stole an illegal pic of my teeth!
Getting this picture was quite the experience...This was after my consultation-the dentist (who's name is...are you ready?...Harry Joe Mack...His real name is Harry, but everyone calls him Joe) had already turned the light off and walked out of the room.  I was free to go, but I saw my chance and I took it!  The reason it is weird and not straight on is because I thought I was going to get caught at any second!  I actually had to turn the light back on and then snap the pic...I got it though and I didn't even get caught!

I have actually been eating real food today!!  See...
I feel like I have been starving for a week solid, but today after eating things like this I feel stuffed!!  I think it may take me a while to work up to eating right again.  

Updates on the food front: Starting in March I am going to give chicken and turkey a go.  That is turkey bacon on my egg sandwich, by the way!  Fish went really well in February, so I thought I would give chicken a chance!  I really think that my problem is gluten, I really do.  Hopefully birds won't give me any grief!